Resilient Robot Mission Management
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CNodeManifestData structure for resource lookup data and configuration parameters required for loading and registering multiple behavior tree node plugins
 CNodePluginClassLoaderVersion of pluginlib::ClassLoader specifically for loading installed behavior tree node plugins
 CNodeRegistrationParamsBehavior tree node registration parameters
 CRosActionNodeAbstract class to wrap rclcpp_action::Client<>
 CRosPublisherNodeAbstract class to wrap a ROS publisher
 CRosServiceNodeAbstract class use to wrap rclcpp::Client<>
 CRosSubscriberNodeAbstract class to wrap a Topic subscriber. Considering the example in the tutorial:
 CTreeBuilderClass for creating behavior trees according to the builder design pattern
 CTreeBuilderClassLoaderVersion of pluginlib::ClassLoader specifically for loading installed behavior tree builder plugins
 CTreeResourceStruct containing behavior tree resource data
 CExceptionBaseBase class for all exceptions of AutoAPMS
 CActionClientWrapperConvenience wrapper for a rclcpp_action::Client that introduces synchronous goal handling functions
 CTaskGeneric base class for robot actions
 CModeBaseClass to model the mode referring to an external task