Resilient Robot Mission Management
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TreeBuildHandler Class Referenceabstract

Base class for plugins that implement patterns for creating behavior trees using a standardized interface. More...

#include <auto_apms_behavior_tree/build_handler/build_handler.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for TreeBuildHandler:

Public Member Functions

 TreeBuildHandler (const std::string &name, rclcpp::Node::SharedPtr ros_node_ptr, NodeLoader::SharedPtr tree_node_loader_ptr)
 Constructor allowing to give the build handler a specific name.
 TreeBuildHandler (rclcpp::Node::SharedPtr ros_node_ptr, NodeLoader::SharedPtr tree_node_loader_ptr)
virtual bool setBuildRequest (const std::string &build_request, const NodeManifest &node_manifest, const std::string &root_tree_name)
 Specify the behavior tree build request encoded in a string.
virtual TreeDocument::TreeElement buildTree (TreeDocument &doc, TreeBlackboard &bb)=0
 Build the behavior tree specified before.
rclcpp::Node::SharedPtr getRosNodePtr () const
 Get a shared pointer to the parent rclcpp::Node of this build handler.
NodeLoader::SharedPtr getNodeLoaderPtr () const
 Get a shared pointer to the class loader instance used for loading the required behavior tree nodes.

Protected Attributes

const rclcpp::Logger logger_
 ROS 2 logger initialized with the name of the build handler.

Detailed Description

Base class for plugins that implement patterns for creating behavior trees using a standardized interface.

Inheriting classes must implement TreeBuildHandler::buildTree. Additionally, the user is given the possibility to define specific rules for when to accept a request and what to do when one arrives. This can be achieved by overriding TreeBuildHandler::setBuildRequest. By default, all requests are accepted and the arguments of the build request are ignored.

A tree build handler allows TreeExecutorNode to create a behavior tree at runtime when an execution request is received. The user may change the the way how a behavior tree is created by simply switching to the desired build handler implementation. To make those implementations available at runtime, the user must register them using the CMake macro auto_apms_behavior_tree_declare_build_handlers in the CMakeLists.txt of the parent package.


Behavior tree build handler plugins are created like this:

// src/my_build_handler.cpp
#include "auto_apms_behavior_tree/build_handler.hpp"
namespace my_namespace
class MyCustomBuildHandler : public auto_apms_behavior_tree::TreeBuildHandler
bool setBuildRequest(const std::string & build_request,
const NodeManifest & node_manifest,
const std::string & root_tree_name) override final
// Do something when a build request arrives. If this isn't overridden,
// all requests are accepted regardless of the arguments given above.
// ...
// Returning true means accepting the request, false means rejecting it
return true;
TreeDocument::TreeElement buildTree(TreeDocument & doc,
TreeBlackboard & bb) override final
// Configure the behavior tree
TreeDocument::TreeElement tree = doc.newTree("MyTreeName");
// ...
// The returned tree element must point to a behavior tree within doc
// and will be used as the root tree.
return tree;
} // namespace my_namespace
// Make sure the plugin class is discoverable
Base class for plugins that implement patterns for creating behavior trees using a standardized inter...
TreeBuildHandler(const std::string &name, rclcpp::Node::SharedPtr ros_node_ptr, NodeLoader::SharedPtr tree_node_loader_ptr)
Constructor allowing to give the build handler a specific name.
virtual bool setBuildRequest(const std::string &build_request, const NodeManifest &node_manifest, const std::string &root_tree_name)
Specify the behavior tree build request encoded in a string.
Macro for registering a behavior tree build handler plugin which may be loaded at runtime to build a ...

Given this implementation, the CMake macro auto_apms_behavior_tree_declare_build_handlers must be called in the CMakeLists.txt of the parent package like this:

find_package(ament_cmake REQUIRED)
find_package(auto_apms_behavior_tree REQUIRED)
# Create a shared library
add_library(my_build_handler_library_target SHARED
"src/my_build_handler.cpp" # Add the source file
auto_apms_behavior_tree # The library must link against auto_apms_behavior_tree
# Add the plugin to this package's ament_index resources
# Install the shared library to the standard directory

Once the parent package has been installed, the build handler plugin may be loaded using TreeBuildHandlerLoader. With a behavior tree executor node, the user may simply set its parameter called build_handler to "my_namespace::MyCustomBuildHandler" (the fully qualified class name). All build requests that the node receives from this point on are forwarded to this specific build handler implementation.

See also
Tutorial: Using Behavior Tree Build Handlers

Definition at line 138 of file build_handler.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TreeBuildHandler() [1/2]

TreeBuildHandler ( const std::string & name,
rclcpp::Node::SharedPtr ros_node_ptr,
NodeLoader::SharedPtr tree_node_loader_ptr )

Constructor allowing to give the build handler a specific name.

nameName of the build handler.
ros_node_ptrShared pointer to the associated ROS 2 node.
tree_node_loader_ptrShared pointer to an existing behavior tree node loader that the build handler may work with.

Definition at line 22 of file build_handler.cpp.

◆ TreeBuildHandler() [2/2]

TreeBuildHandler ( rclcpp::Node::SharedPtr ros_node_ptr,
NodeLoader::SharedPtr tree_node_loader_ptr )


This signature is used when creating an instance of this build handler.

The build handler is given a generic name. To provide a user defined name, reimplement the constructor and delegate construction to the overload above. This may look something like this:

MyCustomBuildHandler(rclcpp::Node::SharedPtr ros_node_ptr, NodeLoader::SharedPtr tree_node_loader_ptr)
: TreeBuildHandler("my_custom_name", ros_node_ptr, tree_node_loader_ptr)
ros_node_ptrShared pointer to the associated ROS 2 node.
tree_node_loader_ptrShared pointer to an existing behavior tree node loader that the build handler may work with.

Definition at line 30 of file build_handler.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ setBuildRequest()

bool setBuildRequest ( const std::string & build_request,
const NodeManifest & node_manifest,
const std::string & root_tree_name )

Specify the behavior tree build request encoded in a string.

Additionally, you may provide an associated node manifest and a specific tree name for setting the root tree. When using TreeExecutorNode, all arguments are populated using the respective parameters of the incoming StartTreeExecutor action goal. It's up to the specific implementation, if and how they are interpreted.

The intention with the boolean return value is to indicate whether the respective behavior tree is allowed to be built or not. Only if this returns true, TreeBuildHandler::buildTree is to be called afterwards. The user must stick to this design pattern and implement this function accordingly.

By default, this callback always returns true.

build_requestRequest that specifies how to build the behavior tree encoded in a string.
node_manifestBehavior tree node manifest that specifies which nodes to use and how to load them.
root_tree_nameName of the requested root tree.
true if the build handler accepts the request, false if it is rejected.

Definition at line 35 of file build_handler.cpp.

◆ buildTree()

virtual TreeDocument::TreeElement buildTree ( TreeDocument & doc,
TreeBlackboard & bb )
pure virtual

Build the behavior tree specified before.

Typically, the build handler stores the information received when TreeBuildHandler::setBuildRequest was called. As soon as this function is invoked, this information should be looked up and used to configure the corresponding behavior tree with doc. Optionally, initial values for the global blackboard may be set using bb.

docReference to the behavior tree document that is used to instantiate the tree that is built by this function.
bbReference to the global blackboard that is used as a parent blackboard when instantiating the tree that is built by this function.
Tree element representing one of the trees inside doc. It is used to determine the root tree.

◆ getRosNodePtr()

rclcpp::Node::SharedPtr getRosNodePtr ( ) const

Get a shared pointer to the parent rclcpp::Node of this build handler.

Shared pointer of the associated ROS 2 node.

Definition at line 41 of file build_handler.cpp.

◆ getNodeLoaderPtr()

TreeBuildHandler::NodeLoader::SharedPtr getNodeLoaderPtr ( ) const

Get a shared pointer to the class loader instance used for loading the required behavior tree nodes.

Shared pointer of the associated behavior tree node loader.

Definition at line 49 of file build_handler.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ logger_

const rclcpp::Logger logger_

ROS 2 logger initialized with the name of the build handler.

Definition at line 231 of file build_handler.hpp.

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