Resilient Robot Mission Management
No Matches
auto_apms_util Namespace Reference

Fundamental helper classes and utility functions. More...


class  ActionClientWrapper
 Convenience wrapper for a rclcpp_action::Client that introduces synchronous goal handling functions. More...
class  ActionContext
 Helper class that stores contextual information related to a ROS 2 action. More...
class  ActionWrapper
 Generic base class for implementing robot skills using the ROS 2 action concept. More...
class  PluginClassLoader
 Class for loading plugin resources registered according to the conventions defined by the pluginlib package. More...


enum class  ActionGoalStatus : uint8_t
 Enum for indicating a ROS 2 action goal's current status. More...
enum class  ActionStatus : uint8_t
 Status of the auto_apms_util::ActionWrapper execution process. More...


template<typename ValueT, typename AllocatorT, template< typename T, class A > class ContainerT>
bool contains (const ContainerT< ValueT, AllocatorT > &c, const ValueT &val)
 Check whether a particular container structure contains a value.
template<typename KeyT, typename CompareT, typename AllocatorT>
std::set< KeyT, CompareT, AllocatorT > getCommonElements (std::set< KeyT, CompareT, AllocatorT > c1, std::set< KeyT, CompareT, AllocatorT > c2)
 Assemble common elements of two sets.
template<typename KeyT, typename AllocatorT>
std::vector< KeyT, AllocatorT > getCommonElements (std::vector< KeyT, AllocatorT > c1, std::vector< KeyT, AllocatorT > c2)
 Assemble common elements of two vectors.
bool isFileEmpty (const std::string &path)
 Determine if a file is empty.
void exposeToGlobalDebugLogging (const rclcpp::Logger &logger)
 Enable ROS 2 debug logging, if the C preprocessor flag _AUTO_APMS_DEBUG_LOGGING is set.
void setLoggingSeverity (const rclcpp::Logger &logger, const std::string &severity)
 Set the logging severity of a ROS 2 logger.
void setLoggingSeverity (const rclcpp::Logger &logger, rclcpp::Logger::Level severity)
 Set the logging severity of a ROS 2 logger.
std::set< std::string > getPackagesWithResourceType (const std::string &resource_type, const std::set< std::string > &exclude_packages={})
 Get a list of all package names that register a certain type of ament_index resources.
std::set< std::string > getPackagesWithPluginResources (const std::set< std::string > &exclude_packages={})
 Get a list of all package names that register AutoAPMS plugin resources.
std::string getPluginXMLPath (const std::string &package)
 Get the path of a plugin.xml manifest file used for initializing pluginlib::ClassLoader objects.
std::vector< std::string > collectPluginXMLPaths (const std::set< std::string > &exclude_packages={})
 Collect the paths of plugin.xml manifest files used for initializing pluginlib::ClassLoader objects.
std::vector< std::string > splitString (const std::string &str, const std::string &delimiter, bool remove_empty=true)
 Split a string into multiple tokens using a specific delimiter string (Delimiter may consist of multiple characters).
std::string printMap (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &map, const std::string &key_val_sep="=", const std::string &entry_sep=", ")
 Converts a map to a string representation that is suited for printing to console.
std::string makeColoredText (const std::string &text, TextColor color)
 Add ANSI color escape sequences to display the text in color when printed to console.
std::string trimWhitespaces (const std::string &str)
 Trim whitespaces from both ends of a string.
std::string toCamelCase (const std::string &str)
 Transform a string to camelCase.
std::string toSnakeCase (const std::string &str)
 Transform a string to snake_case.

Detailed Description

Fundamental helper classes and utility functions.