Resilient Robot Mission Management
No Matches
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CActionClientWrapper< ActionT >Convenience wrapper for a rclcpp_action::Client that introduces synchronous goal handling functions
 CActionContext< ActionT >Helper class that stores contextual information related to a ROS 2 action
 CActionWrapper< ActionT >Generic base class for implementing robot skills using the ROS 2 action concept
 CModeExecutor< ActionT >Generic template class for executing a PX4 mode implementing the interface of a standard ROS 2 action
 CActionWrapper< auto_apms_interfaces::action::ArmDisarm >
 CActionWrapper< auto_apms_interfaces::action::EnableHold >
 CModeExecutor< auto_apms_interfaces::action::EnableHold >
 CActionWrapper< auto_apms_interfaces::action::Land >
 CModeExecutor< auto_apms_interfaces::action::Land >
 CActionWrapper< auto_apms_interfaces::action::Mission >
 CModeExecutor< auto_apms_interfaces::action::Mission >
 CActionWrapper< auto_apms_interfaces::action::RTL >
 CModeExecutor< auto_apms_interfaces::action::RTL >
 CActionWrapper< auto_apms_interfaces::action::Takeoff >
 CModeExecutor< auto_apms_interfaces::action::Takeoff >
 CActionWrapper< SimpleSkillActionType >
 CExceptionBaseBase class for all exceptions of AutoAPMS
 CMissionConfigurationConfiguration parameters for standard missions supported by AutoAPMS
 CModeBase< ActionT >Generic template class for a custom PX4 mode
 CModeBase< GoToActionType >
 CModeExecutorFactory< ActionT, ModeT >Helper template class that creates a ModeExecutor for a custom PX4 mode implemented by inheriting from ModeBase
 CModeExecutorFactory< GoToActionType, GoToMode >
 CTreeDocument::NodeElementHandle for a single node of a TreeDocument
 CNodeModelTypeAbstract base for all automatically generated behavior tree node model classes to be used in interaction with the TreeDocument API
 CLeafNodeModelTypeAbstract base for automatically generated model classes of behavior tree nodes that are not allowed to have any children
 CSubTreeSubtree behavior tree node model
 CTreeDocument::TreeElementHandle for a single behavior tree of a TreeDocument
 CNodeManifestData structure for information about which behavior tree node plugin to load and how to configure them
 CTreeDocument::NodeModelData structure encapsulating the information of all ports implemented by a behavior tree node
 CTreeDocument::NodePortInfoImplementation details of a single data port
 CNodeRegistrationOptionsParameters for loading and registering a behavior tree node class from a shared library using e.g. NodeRegistrationLoader
 CPluginClassLoader< BaseT >Class for loading plugin resources registered according to the conventions defined by the pluginlib package
 CPluginClassLoader< NodeRegistrationInterface >
 CNodeRegistrationLoaderA pluginlib::ClassLoader specifically for loading installed behavior tree node plugins
 CPluginClassLoader< TreeBuildHandlerFactoryInterface >
 CTreeBuildHandlerLoaderA pluginlib::ClassLoader specifically for loading installed behavior tree build handler plugins
 CRosActionNode< ActionT >Generic behavior tree node wrapper for a ROS 2 action client
 CRosActionNode< auto_apms_interfaces::action::ArmDisarm >
 CRosActionNode< auto_apms_interfaces::action::EnableHold >
 CRosActionNode< auto_apms_interfaces::action::GoTo >
 CRosActionNode< auto_apms_interfaces::action::Land >
 CRosActionNode< auto_apms_interfaces::action::Mission >
 CRosActionNode< auto_apms_interfaces::action::RTL >
 CRosActionNode< auto_apms_interfaces::action::StartTreeExecutor >
 CRosActionNode< auto_apms_interfaces::action::Takeoff >
 CRosActionNode< CommandAction >
 CRosActionNode< pyrobosim_msgs::action::ExecuteTaskAction >
 CRosActionNode< SimpleSkillActionType >
 CRosNodeContextAdditional parameters specific to ROS 2 determined at runtime by TreeBuilder
 CRosPublisherNode< MessageT >Generic behavior tree node wrapper for a ROS 2 publisher
 CRosServiceNode< ServiceT >Generic behavior tree node wrapper for a ROS 2 service client
 CRosServiceNode< pyrobosim_msgs::srv::RequestWorldState >
 CRosServiceNode< pyrobosim_msgs::srv::SetLocationState >
 CRosServiceNode< rcl_interfaces::srv::GetParameters >
 CRosServiceNode< rcl_interfaces::srv::ListParameters >
 CRosServiceNode< rcl_interfaces::srv::SetParameters >
 CRosSubscriberNode< MessageT >Generic behavior tree node wrapper for a ROS 2 subscriber
 CRosSubscriberNode< GlobalPositionMsg >
 CRosSubscriberNode< pyrobosim_msgs::msg::RobotState >
 CScriptClass that encapsulates behavior tree script expressions
 CTreeBuildHandlerBase class for plugins that implement patterns for creating behavior trees using a standardized interface
 CTreeFromResourceBuildHandlerStandard build handler for building a behavior tree from an installed resource
 CTreeFromStringBuildHandlerStandard build handler for building a behavior tree directly from an XML string
 CMissionBuildHandlerBaseBase class for behavior tree build handlers that are used to configure missions including fallback mechanisms
 CTreeDocumentDocument Object Model (DOM) for the behavior tree XML schema. This class offers a programmatic approach for building behavior trees and stores the registration data of all associated nodes
 CTreeBuilderClass for configuring and instantiating behavior trees
 CTreeExecutorBaseBase class that offers basic functionality for executing behavior trees
 CTreeExecutorNodeFlexible ROS 2 node implementing a standardized interface for dynamically executing behavior trees
 CTreeExecutorNodeOptionsConfiguration options for TreeExecutorNode
 CTreeResourceClass containing behavior tree resource data
 CTreeResourceIdentityStruct that encapsulates the identity string for a declared behavior tree
 CTreeStateObserverState observer for a particular behavior tree object that writes introspection and debugging information related to behavior tree node transitions to a ROS 2 logger
 CVehicleCommandClientClient for sending requests to the PX4 autopilot using the VehicleCommand topic