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ROS2/PX4 Bridge

Execute custom PX4 modes

  • ModeExecutor
  • ModeExecutorFactory

PX4 Skill Reference

The package auto_apms_px4 implements standard skills for PX4 Autopilot:

Class NameDescription
auto_apms_px4::ArmDisarmSkillArm respectively disarm the UAS
auto_apms_px4::EnableHoldSkillEnable the standard mode for holding the current position
auto_apms_px4::GoToSkillFly to the given location
auto_apms_px4::LandSkillLand immediately at the current position
auto_apms_px4::TakeoffSkillTakeoff to a given height
auto_apms_px4::RTLSkillReturn to the launch position
auto_apms_px4::MissionSkillExecute the PX4 mission that was uploaded to the UAS

If you want to use those skills, either create you're own launch script and load the nodes using ROS 2 Composition or run

ros2 launch auto_apms_px4

Released under the Apache-2.0 License.